GGGI Small Grant (2021) - Local Independent Sea Anglers (UK)


Project Summary

Engaging with local authorities, national agencies, and partners, this project delivered a community-based approach to promote awareness of, recovery of, and research into the origins of ALDFG, from both commercial and recreational sources along the Sussex Coast. The project was the first to research ALDFG from recreational sources, and targeted identified hot spots where ALDFG could be removed, deposited safely, collected and transported for recycling.

The plan was to involve commercial fishers, recreational anglers, beach amenity users and local environmental groups to cover 25 miles of the Sussex Coast. Local Independent Sea Anglers (LISA) & the Anglers National Line Recycling Scheme (ANLRS) tackled this project with a recover, research, reduce, recycle approach, which included initiating net collection points in two commercial ports and two marinas, beach clean events, monitoring of lost and recovered nets, and creation of Stormboard and recycling stations made from or including material collected.




Joanna Toole Award (2022) - Uganda Junior Rangers (Uganda)


Joanna Toole Award (2021) - Myanmar Ocean Project (Myanmar)